Drafting Contracts for Non-Lawyers


Drafting Contracts for Non-Lawyers

Nächster Termin folgt in Kürze

Ort wird bekannt gegeben

Intensive seminar for people who want to gain confidence in drafting contracts! Using joint drafting exercises you will be able to identify your strengths and receive practical tips to further enhance your drafting techniques. Examples of good and bad drafting will be analyzed and explained.

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Your benefit

  • Learn to draft contracts in English and achieve commercial objectives
  • Using English legal terms correctly
  • Interpreting critical provisions in the right way
  • Analyzing potential pitfalls and limiting liability risks
  • Understanding basic differences between civil law and common law systems
  • Dealing with default situations
  • The focus will be on what happens in practice


The speaker will use a balanced mix of sample clauses and case studies. Through a joint review of clauses you will also get a chance to test your knowledge. Examples of good and bad drafting will be analyzed.

Who should attend? 

This workshop has been specifically developed for those who want to acquire or enhance their practical drafting skills. The seminar is targeted for managing directors, sales personnel and other company employees who deal with contracts.

Participation Requirements

Basic knowledge of English is required. Fluency in English is not necessary. The workshop will be held in English in order to enhance your English language capabilities on drafting contracts. The speaker is bilingual (English and German). Therefore, question and answer sessions can be held in German when necessary.

Paul Luiki

Fellner Wratzfeld & Partner (fwp)

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1-2-3 Bildungsoffensive
Melden Sie 3 Personen an: Der 1. Teilnehmer zahlt den Vollpreis, der 2. die Hälfte und der 3. nur 25%.
Worauf warten? Sie haben Anspruch auf 100 Euro Frühbucherbonus,
wenn Sie bis 2 Monate vor der Veranstaltung buchen und zahlen.
Bis 1 Monat davor sind es 50 Euro.
Sie können den Frühbucherbonus bei Zahlung in Abzug bringen.

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preise / termine

Nächster Termin folgt in Kürze

Ort wird bekannt gegeben
in Wien


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